Tropicana Community reports on the second call for the Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative funding, bringing the total number of NPOs funded to 145, and total amount distributed to over four million dollars.

As a member of the Intermediary Network for the Government of Canada’s Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative (SBCCI) aiming to increase the capacity of grassroots not-for-profit organizations serving Black communities in Canada, Tropicana Community Services is announcing the results for the second call for proposals for Category B grant requests. In all, Tropicana examined 130 submissions for the second call, which resulted in the allocation of a total of $1,314,557 in funding to be disbursed to 37 organizations.

The SBCCI Category B grant application is for organizations looking to enhance operational management effectiveness and efficiency as well as build board governance capacity with empowerment through accountability, accomplishment and measurement, or service and fairness programs. Tropicana will be disbursing the funds before March of 2022.

The initiative was created by the Government of Canada to address long-standing systemic barriers impacting social and economic outcomes for Black Canadians. Funding is allocated by an Intermediary Network consisting of four Black-led organizations: Tropicana Community Services (Tropicana), Black Business Initiative (BBI), Groupe 3737, and Africa Centre.

“It’s exciting to be part of an initiative like SBCCI, that not only assists Black-led and Black-serving non-profit organizations to grow and succeed, but indirectly aids the recipients’ communities and clients. It truly is a great example of a positive chain reaction,” stated Migdalia Jones, Project Development Manager (SBCCI), Tropicana Community Services.

Following the creation of the program in 2020, in its first call for proposals in 2021, Tropicana Community Services was able to allocate a total of $3,343,182 in funding to 108 NPOs across the country (excluding Québec) who applied for funding towards capacity-building initiatives through funding from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).

To date, the total number of sub agreements (NPOs funded) from both the First and Second Calls is 145, with a total funding of $4,657,739.

IntermediariesTotal number of sub-agreements first CFPTotal funding to sub-agreements first CFPNumber of sub-agreements second CFP – initial investmentFunding to sub-agreements second CFP – initial investmentTotal number of sub-agreements both CFPs (as of Feb 2022)Total funding to sub-agreements both CFPs (as of Feb 2022)
Black Business Initiative129$4,521,68283$2,664,900212$7,186,582
Groupe 3737163$6,780,00023$1,006,850186$7,786,850
Africa Centre  18$656,44518$656,445
Total Program Investment400$14,644,864161$5,642,752561$20,287,616

On February 24,2022, the intermediaries jointly announced they would be providing over $5.6 million in funds to 161 Black-led grassroots and community organizations serving the needs of Black communities across Canada, as part of this second round of funding across all of the grant categories.

All applications received during the second call for proposals were carefully examined by a review committee with representation from the Atlantic, Western, and Central Ontario regions. Funding was allocated to the projects that most closely matched the priorities of the Fund and provide further social impact in Black communities.

The list of successful submissions is posted on the Tropicana Community Services and on the SBCCI program website.

For more information or to arrange an interview please contact:
Migdalia Jones
SBCCI Program Lead, Tropicana Community Services
(437) 918-9239

About the SBCCI Program
The Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative (SBCCI) was created by the Federal government through Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to help increase the capacity of grassroots not-for-profit organizations serving Black communities in Canada. For more information, visit:

About Tropicana Community Services
Tropicana Community Services (Tropicana) was founded in 1980 as a non-profit community organization, with a mission to serve disadvantaged youth and their families, particularly those from the Caribbean. Since then, the organization has grown into a multi–service delivery agency with programs designed to address issues affecting all youth, newcomers, members of the Caribbean and Black communities and others in need. For more information, visit: